Dorian LPG (USA) LLC 27 Signal Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06902 USA
Tel: +1 203-674-9900
Dorian LPG Management Corp 24 Poseidonos Avenue, 17674 Kallithea Greece
Tel: : +30 210-4190130
Dorian LPG (DK) ApSOvergaden Oven Vandet 62A,3rd Floor,1415 Copenhagen,Denmark
Tel: +45 6915 9012
Helios LPG Pool LLC C/O MOL Energia Pte Ltd, 5, Shenton Way, #16-06, Uic Building Singapore 068808
Tel: +65 6499 8940 Fax: +65 6327 9639
We are always looking for highly skilled individuals to be a part of our team.
Dorian LPG has both Shoreside and Onboard positions.